_:B2b909546ed49b3634c28c9b452bcbefb . _:B2b909546ed49b3634c28c9b452bcbefb . _:B2b909546ed49b3634c28c9b452bcbefb . _:B76744e6da3a9eaa54a93cba228611bdf . _:B76744e6da3a9eaa54a93cba228611bdf _:B43abe21e6fee73653e9779b26d649a02 . _:B76744e6da3a9eaa54a93cba228611bdf . _:B558accf2783dd3a685ba7288e81bf9a3 . . _:B76744e6da3a9eaa54a93cba228611bdf . _:B5b55ada873e26a4a035c110f6285547f . "Questa รจ una classe astratta utilizzata per identificare i diversi elementi che compongono un indirizzo come un Paese, una regione, un toponimo stradale, un municipio."@it . . "Address Component"@en . "stable"@en . . _:B2b909546ed49b3634c28c9b452bcbefb . "This is an abstract class meant to identify the different alements that compose an address such as Country also known as AdminitrativeLevelUnit 1, Region also known as AdministrativeLevelUnit2, Street, Municipality"@en . . "stabile"@it . . "Componente Indirizzo"@it . _:B5b55ada873e26a4a035c110f6285547f . _:B5b55ada873e26a4a035c110f6285547f _:B558accf2783dd3a685ba7288e81bf9a3 . _:B5b55ada873e26a4a035c110f6285547f . _:B43abe21e6fee73653e9779b26d649a02 .